Generally speaking, for children under the age of 16 years, any paid or unpaid media project requires the issue of a Child Performance Licence by the child's local council.
This includes acting, singing, dancing, modelling, or any other form of performance work. Read the Government Guide Lines on the link below
The law ensures that a child’s well-being, education, and health are protected while working in the entertainment industry.
There are obviously exceptions. For example a school play or an amateur theatrical production.
It is the responsibility of production to ensure that a license is put in. They will often ask the childs' agent to apply on their behalf.
Note: It is never the parent who is responsible for applying.
A license application form should be dowloaded from the child's local council. Each local counciil applies the government guidelines in slightly different ways so it is worth having a quick Google to check what their precise requirements are.
Government guidelines state that 21 days should be allowed. In practice the majority of councils will issue a license within 10 working days from receipt of the correct paperwork.
There are a very few exceptionally quick coiuncils who issue licenses within a couple of days of receipt of the paperwork
Allow a minimum of a least 2 weeks for a license to come through. Also remember, that it normally takes 2/3 days for production AND mums to get the paperwork together
We can apply for a child performance license on your behalf.
We are experienced at getting the paperwork together and deal with local councils on a regular basis.
A charge of £50 is made to production for each license we process.
If you need help getting a Child Protection Policy together or need help with the Venue Risk Assessment, we have templates on file which can be easily adapted to suit your needs.
There are strict regulations governing the number of hours a child can work, designed to protect their health, education, and welfare.
These rules vary based on the child’s age, as well as the type of performance work they are engaged in.
Below is a general breakdown of the allowed working hours for children in the UK:
In summary, any child under 16 who wants to participate in any type of media performance, paid or unpaid, must have a valid performance license.
The production company is responsible for obtaining this license, though they can appoint an agency or representative to manage the application process.
By adhering to guidelines for working hours and prioritizing the child’s education and well-being, productions can ensure compliance with UK labor laws and provide a safe, supportive environment for young performers.
Johnson's Ad £20K+
A fab shampoo Advert which went out across the US.
A very well paid ad which attracted a large buyout fee
Health Care Ad £12K+
An ad for US healthcare giant Kaiser Permanente.
This ad also went out across the states and was highly paid